RR Practice

The practice is based in Lugano and it welcomes patients in a comforting space. We are particularly attentive to our patients’ privacy, and we pursue the construction of a special adhesion with them.

Scientific excellence and long-standing clinical experience merge into a sea in which patients, feeling more comfortable in their skin, reach a degree of self-aware autonomy.



Psychotherapy of Analytical Inspiration (P.I.P).

Short-term Dynamic Psychotherapy.

CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy).

Couple and Family Psychotherapy.

Group-Analytic Psychotherapy.

Balint Groups.


Specialist in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy FMH – Foederatio Medicorum Helveticorum.

Specialist in Psychiatry SIP – Italian Society for Psychiatry.

Master’s Degree in Medicine at the University of Bern – Switzerland.

Specialty in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at the University of Lausanne Clinic and Psychiatric Polyclinic – Switzerland.

Training in Forensic Psychiatry at the University of Geneva – Switzerland.

Training in Freudian Psychoanalysis in Lausanne and Geneva.

Organizer and Promoter of Symposia, Seminars and Conventions in Switzerland and Abroad.

Founder of three Psychiatric Clinics in Switzerland.

Author of Reports and Researches published on national and international magazines and scientific books.

Career Path

Medical Assistant for Internal Medicine at the Ospedale Civico Lugano – Switzerland. (Director and Head Physician Dr. Med. E. de Stoppani).

Medical Assistant and Head Assistant at the Psychiatric Clinic in Cery. Institute of Psychiatry at the University of Lausanne (Director and Head Physician Prof. Dr. Med. Ch. Müller).

Medical Assistant, Head and Deputy Medical Doctor at the University of Lausanne Psychiatric Polyclinic (Director and Head Physician Prof. Dr. Med. P.B. Schneider).

Head Assistant at the Day Hospital of Lausanne (Director and Head Physician Dr. Med. D. Masson).

Councellor at the Prison of Bois-Mermet in Lausanne.

Head Assistant of Forensic Psychiatry at the University of Geneva (Director and Head Physician Prof. Dr. Med. and Dr. Jur. Jacques Bernheim).

Director and Head Physician of the Psychosocial Services in Ticino.

Official Consultant of Medical Psychology at the Ospedale Civico Lugano, at the Clinica Luganese Moncucco in Lugano and the Ospedale Malcantonese Castelrotto-Croglio – Switzerland.

Professor – Supervisor of Analytic Psychotherapies at the University of Lausanne Psychiatric Polyclinic.

Supervisor and Consultant at the “Centre du Lévant”, Residential Centre for Drug Abusers in Lausanne.

Supervisor and Consultant at the Centro Ambulatoriale per Tossicodipendenti in Lausanne.

Psychiatry Official Examiner to get the Master’s Degree in Medicine at the University of Lausanne – Swiss State Professional Examination.
Founder of the Clinica Psichiatrica Villaverde 3 in Dino-Lugano. Director and Head Physician.

Founder of the Clinica Psichiatrica Clinica Casa Alabardia in Piazzogna-Locarno – Switzerland.

Founder of the Clinica Psichiatrica San Pietro in Stabio-Chiasso – Switzerland.

Co-founder of the Centro Terapeutico per Tossicodipendenti “Villa Argentina” in Lugano.

Ordinary Member and Educator of the Centre PORTAGE. 865, Carré/Square Richmond in Montréal, Québec – Canada, Residential and Ambulatory International Centre for Drug Abusers’ Social Reintegration.

Professor of Psychiatry at the Università degli Studi di Bologna. Postgraduate School “P. Ottonello” (Director and Head Physician Prof. Dr. Med. G. Ferrari).

Professor of Dynamic and Clinical Psychology at the Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”, 2nd Faculty of Medicine and Surgery (Director and Head Physician Prof. Dr. Med. R. Tatarelli).


Literary works

Renzo Realini, Il contadino, l’insalata e la neve, Pendragon, Bologna, November, 2018.

Renzo  Realini, La cella di Vetro, Pendragon, Bologna, September, 2014.




REALINI R., L’évolution à long terme des troubles névrotiques et réactionnels. Arch. Suis. Neurol. Neuroch. Psych. 1975, 117 1, p. 123-155.

REALINI R., et al.,Thérapeuthique nouvelle dans la prise en charge des toxicopathes: sevrage de l’alcoolique, du pharmaco – dépendant et du toxicomane par l’Atrium 300. Psychologie Médicale, 1975, 7, 5, p. 1057-1066. Médicine et Hygiène n. 1155, 15 juillet 1975. 33: 1068, 1975. Conference hold in Bangkok in February 1975.

REALINI R., SCHNEIDER P.B., Diverse relazioni medico paziente. Gli aspetti pratici della medicina psicosomatica. In “Psicosomatica, il medico e la donna”. Società Ligure di Ostetricia e Ginecologia, Serono Symposia 1977. Conference hold in Genoa in March 1976.

REALINI R., et al., Étude en double aveugle, de l’action camazépam versus bromazépam et de la relation médicin – malade, dans le traitment des syndromes anxiodépressifs chez des sujets éthyliques. Psychologie. Médicale, 1984, 16, 2, p. 367-377.
– Studio doppio cieco camazepam versus bromazepam nel trattamento delle sindromi ansioso depressive in soggetti etilisti. Il Progresso Medico, 1985, vol. XLI n. 12, p. 731-737.
– Doppelblindstudie Camazepam gegen Bromazepam bei der Behandlung von Angstdepressiven Syndromen bei Alkoholikern. Therapie Woche Schweiz, Heft 4, July 1985, p. 329-334.

REALINI R., Classificazione nosografica, psicoterapia, prevenzione delle depressioni. Tribuna Medica Ticinese (TMT), 1985, 4, p. 177-179. Conference hold in Lugano during the Ticinese regional refresher course by the Medical Association of Ticino (OMCT), March 1984.

REALINI R., Relazione plurifocale del medico psichiatra in un contesto non istituzionalizzato: vantaggi e svantaggi. TMT, 1985, 5, p. 317-318. Conference hold in the Ospedale Neuropsichiatrico di Mendrisio – Switzerland, October 1984.

ABRAHAM G., REALINI R., et al., Dyclofensin und Maprotilin – eine multizentrische Doppelblindstudie an ambulanten depressiven Patienten. In Neue Aspekte der Therapie mit Antidepressiva, G. Fischer 1986, Stuttgart, p. 261-269.

REALINI R., Le principe d’action thérapeutique Triptum 100, Oxitriptan le précurseur direct de la sérotonine. Régulateur physiologique lors de troubles chroniques du sommeil + toutes les formes d’états dépressifs. Impharzam, 1986, Cadempino – Switzerland.

REALINI R., Triptum 100, Oxitriptan, le précurseur direct de la sérotonine lors d’insomnies chroniques. Impharzam, 1986, Cadempino – Switzerland.

REALINI R., et al., Sulla postcura dei tossicomani. In “A come Alice”. Alice, Lugano – Switzerland 1988, p. 265-278.

REALINI R., L-5-HTP bei der Behandlung von Schlafstoerungen bei Patienten mit Depressionen und Angstzustaenden. Revue suisse de Médecine, Supplementum 34a, 1988, p. 24-27. Conference hold at the International Symposium “Der Depressive und Schlafgestoerte Patient: Neue Therapeutische Perspektiven”, Lucerne – Switzerland.

REALINI R., et al., Efficacité et tolérance du moclobémide (RO 11-1163) en comparaison avec la maprotiline chez des patients ambulatoires présentants un épisode dépressif majeur. Psycologie Médicale, 1989, 21, 11, p. 27-35.

REALINI R., et al., Flutoprazepam in the treatment of generalized anxiety disorders: a dose-ranging study. Current Therapeutic Research, 1990, 47, 5, p. 860-868.

REALINI R., Ipotesi di lavoro per una terapia unica dei disturbi psichici con alterazioni dell’affettività. TMT, 59, 1994, p. 658-661.

REALINI R., Esperienza di quindici anni di psicologia medica in Ticino. Report hold in Lugano and published among the International Conference Proceedings ”Dal Sintomo Somatico all’Approccio Psicoterapico”, Lugano – Mendrisio, September 1994, Bottega R.R., Lugano 1997, p. 49-56.

REALINI R., et al., A double-blind comparison of moclobemide and thioridazine versus moclobemide and placebo in the treatment of refractory, severe depression. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 1995, 15, 4, p. 41-45.

REALINI R., et al., Medikamentöse Behandlung von allgemeinen Angstzustaenden. Das Benzodiazepinderivat Flutoprazepam im Vergleich mit Chlorazepat und Plazebo. Gazette Médicale Suisse, 1995, p. 125-127.

REALINI R., et al., Disturbo borderline di personalità: aspetti clinici e evoluzione storica del concetto. TMT, 62, 1997, p. 573-577.

REALINI R., et al., Aspetti psicopatologici del vissuto corporeo: descrizione di un caso clinico. TMT, 62, 1997, p. 567-572.

REALINI R., et al., L’individuo di fronte all’istituzione militare. Psichiatria Oggi – Fatti e Opinioni della Lombardia. No 1, May, 1999.

REALINI R., et al., Il percorso nosografico dell’astenia: considerazioni cliniche e terapeutiche. Report hold during the Plenum XLII National Congress “Dal Pregiudizio alla Cittadinanza”. Abstract from the Symposium, p. 75, Turin, October 2000.



REALINI R., Les hallucinations, extraits d’un voyage littéraire, réflexions.

REALINI R., Classification actuelle des dépressions.

Congress & Symposia

31ème Congrès International sur l’Alcoolisme et les Toxicomanies. Bangkok, February 1975.

Psicomatica, il Medico e la Donna. Genoa, March 1976.

Confronto di Esperienze tra USA, Svizzera e Italia nel campo dell’igiene mentale.
Fondazione Carlo Erba, Milan, October 1978. Exclusive report.

Corso di Aggiornamento Regionale Ticinese a cura dell’OMCT. March 1984. Exclusive report.

Psicoterapia Istituzionale e Psicofarmaci. Mendrisio, October 1984. Exclusive report.

L’Asma Bronchiale nel Bambino e nell’Adulto. Lugano, November 1984. Exclusive report.

Symposium sur la Fatigue: Problème ou Maladie? Lausanne, May 1985. Exclusive report.

Le Patient Dépressif et avec Troubles du Sommeil: Nouvelles Perspectives Thérapeutiques. Lucerne, October 1987.

L’Art Brut come Espressione Fantasmatica. Fondazione Galleria Gottardo Lugano, 1989. Exclusive report.

Alla Ricerca di una Struttura Sanitaria per il Sofferente di Disturbi Psichici: dal Disturbo Reattivo al Disturbo Essenziale.
Università di Bologna, Istituto di Psichiatria “P. Ottonello”, Postgraduate School of Psychiatry, March 1991.

Originator and Organizer of the Congresso Internazionale Dal Sintomo Somatico all’Approccio Psicoterapico.
Lugano-Mendrisio, September 1994.

XLII Congresso Nazionale Italiano di Psichiatria: dal Pregiudizio alla Cittadinanza. Turin, October 2000.

XLII Seminario di Psichiatria Forense. Rome, April 2004.

Seminario Nuove Prospettive di Trattamento della fase acuta e della prevenzione delle recidive nellaschizofrenia. Aosta, September 2004.

3ème Congrès de l’Encéphale. Paris, January 2005.

ECNP. Paris, September 2006.

5ème Congrès de l’Encéphale. Paris, January 2007.

Psichiatrie à travers les générations. Congrès Annuel SSPP. Bern,
September 2007.

La Neurologie et la Psychiatrie au fil du Temps. Basel,
October 2008.

IV Conferenza Tematica della Società Italiana di Psichiatria. Relazione e Comprensione in Psichiatria: la Complessità della Cura. Venice, November 2008.

Conferenza Tematica Società Italiana di Psichiatria. Schizofrenia e Disturbo Bipolare: aspetti clinici neurobiologici e gestionali. Pescara, November 2008.

7ème Congrès de l’Encéphale. Paris, January 2009.

Genève SSPP Annual Congress. Geneva, September 2009.

XVL Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Psichiatria. Rome, October 2009.

FMPP Annual Congress of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy: Science and Culture. Lucerne, June 2010.

Zürcher Psychotraumatologie-Tagung/Trauma und Schmerz. Zürich, April 2011.

4ème Congrès des Associations Suisses des Psychothérapeutes.
Bern, June 2011.

Interlaken SSPP Annual Congress “Multiplicité des voix”. Interlaken, September 2011.

Réseaux Sociaux/Internet & Psychiatrie – Opportunités et risques de Facebook, Twitter et autres. Bern, October 2011.

10ème Congrès de l’Encéphale. Paris, January 2012.

Forum Clinique Psychiatrie – Prise en charge actuelle et future des troubles bipolaires. Bern, January 2012.

Neuroscience Forum Kontinuum in der Psychiatrie. Zürich, March 2012.

Neuroscience Forum Kontinuum in der Psychiatrie. Basel, April 2012.

Interlaken SSPP Annual Congress “Chemins du patient”. Interlaken, September 2012.

Perspektiven der psychiatrischen Therapie. Zürich,
December 2012.

SAGP-SMSP. Journée Annuelle 2012.

Psychiatrie, Psychothérapie et Psychopatologie: faut-il oublier les DSM/CIM? Bern, December 2012.

11ème Congrès de l’Encéphale. Paris, January 2013.

17° Congresso della Società di Psicopatologia. Rome,
February 2013.

Leitlinien in der Psychiatrie: Notwedig? Zürich, March 2013.

Equasym -XR Clinical Experience. Zürich, May 2013.

Montreux SSPP Congrès Annuel “Défis de la transition”. Montreux, September 2013.

12ème Congrès de l’Encéphale. Paris, January 2014.

Bâle SSPP Congrès Annuel “Sur pied d’égalité”.
Basel, September 2014.

13ème Congrès de l’Encéphale. Paris, January 2015.

Bâle SSPP Congrès Annuel “Santé mentale: pour une perspective transgenérationnelle”. Basel, August 2016.

15ème Congrès de l’Encéphale. Paris, January 2017.

16ème Congrès de l’Encéphale. Paris, January 2018.

Berne SSPP Congrès Annuel. Bern, September 2018.

17ème Congrès de l’Encéphale. Paris, January 2019.

Berne SSPP Congrès Annuel. Bern, September 2019.

18ème Congrès de l’Encéphale. Paris, January 2020.

19ème Congrès de l’Encéphale. Digital. Paris, January 2021.

20ème Congrès de l’Encéphale. Paris, January 2022.

How to reach us

Dr. Med. Renzo Realini
Viale C. Cattaneo 27
CH-6900 Lugano

Email: renzo@realini.org

Phone: +41 91 966 52 72
Fax: +41 91 966 53 73