Career Path

Medical Assistant for Internal Medicine at the Ospedale Civico Lugano – Switzerland. (Director and Head Physician Dr. Med. E. de Stoppani).

Medical Assistant and Head Assistant at the Psychiatric Clinic in Cery. Institute of Psychiatry at the University of Lausanne (Director and Head Physician Prof. Dr. Med. Ch. Müller).

Medical Assistant, Head and Deputy Medical Doctor at the University of Lausanne Psychiatric Polyclinic (Director and Head Physician Prof. Dr. Med. P.B. Schneider).

Head Assistant at the Day Hospital of Lausanne (Director and Head Physician Dr. Med. D. Masson).

Councellor at the Prison of Bois-Mermet in Lausanne.

Head Assistant of Forensic Psychiatry at the University of Geneva (Director and Head Physician Prof. Dr. Med. and Dr. Jur. Jacques Bernheim).

Director and Head Physician of the Psychosocial Services in Ticino.

Official Consultant of Medical Psychology at the Ospedale Civico Lugano, at the Clinica Luganese Moncucco in Lugano and the Ospedale Malcantonese Castelrotto-Croglio – Switzerland.

Professor – Supervisor of Analytic Psychotherapies at the University of Lausanne Psychiatric Polyclinic.

Supervisor and Consultant at the “Centre du Lévant”, Residential Centre for Drug Abusers in Lausanne.

Supervisor and Consultant at the Centro Ambulatoriale per Tossicodipendenti in Lausanne.

Psychiatry Official Examiner to get the Master’s Degree in Medicine at the University of Lausanne – Swiss State Professional Examination.
Founder of the Clinica Psichiatrica Villaverde 3 in Dino-Lugano. Director and Head Physician.

Founder of the Clinica Psichiatrica Clinica Casa Alabardia in Piazzogna-Locarno – Switzerland.

Founder of the Clinica Psichiatrica San Pietro in Stabio-Chiasso – Switzerland.

Co-founder of the Centro Terapeutico per Tossicodipendenti “Villa Argentina” in Lugano.

Ordinary Member and Educator of the Centre PORTAGE. 865, Carré/Square Richmond in Montréal, Québec – Canada, Residential and Ambulatory International Centre for Drug Abusers’ Social Reintegration.

Professor of Psychiatry at the Università degli Studi di Bologna. Postgraduate School “P. Ottonello” (Director and Head Physician Prof. Dr. Med. G. Ferrari).

Professor of Dynamic and Clinical Psychology at the Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”, 2nd Faculty of Medicine and Surgery (Director and Head Physician Prof. Dr. Med. R. Tatarelli).